Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Culver Fails to Understand Iowa’s Budget Again
Last year over $616 million in one time federal bailout money was used by Governor Culver to balance Iowa’s budget.
State School Aid – HF 820 provided $40.0 million for FY 2009 and $202.5 million for FY 2010 to be used to fulfill funding for a portion of State school aid.
Instructional Support State Aid – HF 820 provided $13.1 million in lieu of State aid for the Instructional Support Program in FY 2010. SF 478 (FY 2010 Standing Appropriation Bill) eliminated State funding for the Program for FY 2010.
Regents Universities – HF 820 provided an FY 2010 appropriation of $80.3 million in ARRA Education Stabilization funds to the Department of Management for distribution to the Regents universities. Senate File 470 (FY 2010 Education Appropriations Bill) made total reductions of $80.3 million compared to estimated net FY 2009 to the Regents budget units under the control of the Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
Community Colleges – HF 820 provided an FY 2010 appropriation of $23.1 million in ARRA education stabilization funds and $2.5 million in ARRA government stabilization funds to the Department of Management for distribution to the community colleges. Senate File 470 made total reductions of $22.2 million compared to estimated net FY 2009 for general aid to community colleges.
Medicaid – HF 811 provided $110.0 million for FY 2009 and $144.9 million for FY 2010 to be used to supplement the Medicaid Program.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The Liberty Agenda: Putting People First
As Iowans have seen numerous times over the past several years, government is erecting barricades in front of them instead removing roadblocks to their success. Government has become too large too fast and it is time to make sure government is accountable to Iowa’s families.
Here is what Republicans will do if Iowa voters give us the opportunity:
Allow Iowans the Right to Vote on Marriage
While Iowans differ on the ruling handed down by the Supreme Court all Iowans can agree that the people’s voice has been silenced. There is currently a disagreement between the branches of government. A vote of the people will solve this disagreement. This single act by an individual has been held as the final arbiter in this state and this country for over two centuries. Yet this fundamental democratic act is being thwarted by Democrats who control the Legislature.
Republicans propose that the citizens of Iowa be allowed the opportunity to determine the definition of marriage in Iowa. This is a judgment that should be left in the hands of the citizens, not unelected judges or an unresponsive legislature. Iowans deserve a voice.
A Return to the Fundamentals of Government
As Iowa’s government has expanded, the role of government has changed drastically from one that focuses limited resources on priorities to one that intrudes into trivial matters at the expense of safety.
Since 1998, the final year in which Republicans were in control of state government, the bureaucracy paid for by the taxpayer has increased by over 4,149 employees. This increase has failed to provide additional investments into the men and women that protect us as we travel across this state. In fact since 1998 Iowa has gone from 355 state troopers to only 288 troopers protecting Iowans. This reduction of 67 troopers occurred while the rest of the bureaucracy grew and state spending ballooned to the highest point ever recorded.
Iowa’s government has become unbalanced and out of touch with what Iowa families need and how they want their tax dollars to be spent. Over the past three years alone the bureaucracy has grown to include:
- 7 new employees in the Governor’s office
- 2 new gardeners for the Governor’s mansion
- 20 new employees to collect more taxes
- 4 new employees to create a data warehouse that is not used
- Nearly 1,000 vacant but funded positions
The Iowa Good Neighbor Act
Synonymous with being an Iowan, is being a good neighbor. A neighbor offering to watch your child when the school bus comes in the morning or a grandparent spending time with their grandchildren are examples. These are gestures that can make a huge difference to a family looking to balance the demands of work and parenting. Republicans believe that government cannot be allowed to get in the way of Iowans who rely on family and neighbors.
This fall in Michigan a mother was singled out and nearly fined by Michigan’s version of the Department of Human Services for simply allowing the children waiting in her driveway for the school bus to instead wait inside her house if it was raining or cold. The state decided she was a daycare and attempted to fine her for being unregistered.
This brought to mind Iowa Democrat’s attempts in 2007 to force grandparents to register as daycare providers if they were watching their own grandchildren on a regular basis. Iowans, whether they are neighbors or grandparents, should not be targeted by the Department of Human Services for simply offering a helping hand. This is why Republicans will offer the Iowa Good Neighbor Act to protect Iowans from the intrusive hand of big government. If Iowans want to lend a helping hand by watching a child, they should not be subjected to nanny-state meddling from government.
The Iowa Good Neighbor Act will put into Code specific protections for family members and neighbors who are simply being good Iowans. They will not be defined as a daycare or a daycare provider unless they are specifically offering that service.
The law will put strength behind families and neighbors, not behind the intrusiveness of government inspections. Paternalistic, nanny-state policies are on the rise at the national level and Republicans want to make sure they don’t spread to Iowa.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Making health care accessible, affordable, and portable
Health care reform solutions need not come from Washington, DC. In fact, the best reforms are often those developed closest to the people. Iowans do not need to wait for national politicians to act. Instead, they can join with us in pursuit of a set of common sense Iowa Health Care Initiatives and solve Iowa problems with Iowa solutions.
Patients Right to Know Act
As with any product or service, the more information consumers can access to compare the costs and quality of that product or service, the lower the cost and the higher the quality of the products and services they ultimately consume.
Consumers have been slow to embrace market practices to the delivery of health services and, as a result, costs may remain high and quality is often unknown.
We believe the information age provides a tremendous opportunity to dramatically improve access to tools that compare cost and quality in the delivery of health care services on-line. We will propose legislation to establish a statewide information hub that brings together both cost and outcome quality data in a searchable format for online consumers.
Cost and quality transparency will empower consumers to make better health care decisions in a way that maximizes quality while minimizing cost.
Low-Cost Catastrophic Health Plans for those Under 30
Iowans age 18-30 are known as the “Invincibles” as they often believe, given their relative youth and good health, health insurance is a product they do not need. As a result, when they do have to seek medical treatment it is often for a serious condition and very expensive.
In fact, there are 106,000 Iowans in this age group who do not have health insurance and account for roughly half of all the uninsured in the entire state. We will propose legislation that will encourage the development of low cost catastrophic insurance products that will provide base care for younger Iowans and limit the amount of uncompensated care that results when uninsured young Iowans need medical treatment.
Medical Malpractice Reform
No serious attempt at reducing rising health care and insurance costs can move forward without an honest attempt to address the issue of medical malpractice and tort reform.
We have continually championed the need to pass legislation that raises the burden of proof on medical malpractice claims and places reasonable limits on payment for damages.
Expand Health Insurance Tax Deductibility to Individuals and Small Business
Current law allows large employers the opportunity to deduct health care costs “above the line” – meaning a straight dollar for dollar reduction in their taxable income equal to the employer share of health insurance costs and provides a tremendous incentive to provide health insurance to their employees.
Thus, it should be no surprise an independent study shows 94% of employers who have 50 or more employees provide health insurance, whereas 36% of employers who have 10 or fewer employees offer health benefits.
With a significant portion of our population now working for small businesses or for themselves, we believe such above the line deductions for health insurance costs should be extended to all businesses and individuals, be they subchapter S corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships or sole proprietors.
Some estimates suggest an above the line deduction for health insurance costs may provide a 30% savings on such costs and provide a significant incentive to offer health insurance benefits to their employees. It’s simple: if it’s good enough for Wall Street, it should be good enough for Main Street.
Prevention Credits: Putting a Premium on Wellness
Prevention programs that encourage long-term commitment to wellness practices are proven to reduce demand for expensive health services and contain future growth in health care spending. However, our current system chooses to focus on imposing penalties on those who practice less healthy lifestyles (smoking, poor food choices, lack of regular exercise) through higher insurance rates rather than rewarding good health practices with lower rates.
These “prevention credits” will allow an average Iowa family to save upwards of 15% on their health insurance premium or $1,635 on an average family policy. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services there is a return on investment of up to $4.91 for every dollar spent on wellness. This shift in policy will save Iowa families real money while reducing the long term cost of health care in the state.
We propose legislation to require insurers to offer “prevention credits” to individuals and businesses that can be used to reduce health insurance rates for those individuals and businesses that demonstrate, through measurable periodic screening practices, a commitment to wellness and prevention.
This “carrot instead of the stick” approach to prevention and wellness should encourage more Iowans and their employers to actively pursue the promised savings through participation in health and wellness practices that reduce health costs in the long term.
No Pre-Existing Exclusions when Changing Plans with the same Insurance Provider
Nothing strikes fear in the hearts of those seeking continuation of health care coverage than the words “pre-existing conditions”. We propose legislation that prohibits the denial of coverage or the imposition of coverage riders due to pre-existing conditions when an insured Iowan moves from one plan to another plan offered by the same insurance company.
The simple act of moving from Plan A to Plan B (for whatever reason) within the same insurance company should not provide an opportunity to base coverage exclusions as if the employee were accessing coverage with that company for the first time. If the company assumed the risk 20 years ago, it should continue to assume the risk without further exclusions.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A Who Knew What Mystery
“Culver pledges to work with film companies to sort out tax credits”
- Thomas Beaumont Des Moines Register 9/21/09
When information was first brought to my attention last week about Iowa’s film tax credit program, I was troubled.
“An outraged Culver: Iowans will not be taken for suckers”
- Jason Clayworth Des Moines Register 9/22/09
Tramontina submitted a request for proposals Aug. 10 to find an accounting firm to review operations and expenditures of the Iowa Film Office, which is part of economic development department.
He hired the Clifton Gunderson firm of West Des Moines on Aug. 19.
“Film tax errors seen as early as July”
- Lee Rood Des Moines Register 9/23/09
On Tuesday, Governor Chet Culver in Cedar Rapids said at least three times he learned of the tax credit fiasco either "last Tuesday" or "last week". When I asked him to clarify later on during his news conference, he said he had heard about possible problems before then and that's why he said he directed his legal counsel to push for the audit/review/investigation (whatever the proper term would be here) that now-former Iowa Dept of Economic Director Mike Tramontina discussed in a memo last Wednesday.
“Iowa Lawmaker Says Legislators Knew of Film Issues Early Summer”
- Dave Price “Price of Politics” 9/24/09
SEPT. 15: Gov. Chet Culver first hears of problems with the film tax credit, he says. He asks Tramontina for a summary by the end of the next day.
“Miller: Official's assertion on film credits 'mistaken'”
- Lee Rood Des Moines Register 9/25/09
Phil Roeder, spokesman for Culver, said Tramontina raised concerns about the purchase of the automobiles in August, but nobody brought up the depth of the program’s problems until September.
“Lawmaker said he had concerns about film tax credit program months ago”
- Charlotte Eby Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier 10/6/09
"It is critical that the Department of Economic Development immediately prevent additional spending for this program," Sen. Bill Dotzler, D-Waterloo, wrote to Mike Tramontina, the department's director, on Aug. 6. Dotzler send copies of his letter to the governor's office, state auditor and attorney general.
“Records show Culver's office was notified about film office trouble in August”
- Lee Rood Des Moines Register 11/7/2009
The question the Governor now needs to answer is what did he know and when did he know it? Governor Culver clearly stated that he did not learn of the problems at the Iowa Film Office until September 15th from former IDED Director Mike Tramontina. Yet both his spokesperson and the Governor himself stated that they knew of the irregularities in August. In fact the Governor went on to claim that he pushed for the audit put out for an RFP by Tramontina on the 10th of August. So Governor what did you know and when did you know it?
Restoring the Fiscal Balance: Iowa Family Budget Initiatives
Constitutional Limit on State Spending
We will propose and support an amendment to the Iowa Constitution to limit state spending to no more than 99% of state revenue. The current budget limitation law doesn’t work and, just last year, the legislature authorized nearly 70 loopholes in the current law to allow their outrageous spending increases.
Only an amendment to the Iowa Constitution is immune from legislative loopholes. Limiting spending to 99% of revenue ensures a balanced budget and the annual deposit of money into a rainy day fund. In the meantime, we pledge to pass NO budgets that exceed the 99% limit.
Iowa families must live within their means--Iowa state government should be no different.
Supermajority Vote to Approve New State Debt
This year the Governor signed and a majority of the legislature passed legislation that puts Iowa taxpayers on the hook for a $1.7 billion debt. The average Iowa family’s share of that debt is more than $2,000.
This debt was passed with support form only one party and was done despite statewide polling that showed 70% of Iowans opposed this additional debt. Iowans need greater protection from runaway state debt and these decisions should require more than a simple majority vote—especially when the repayment of the debt may extend for more than two decades and impact taxpayers too young to vote or not even yet born.
We propose requiring a 2/3 supermajority vote of both houses of the Legislature to authorize new state borrowing. Never again should one party have the sole authority to create these long-term debt burdens.
At the local level a 60% vote of the people is required to adopt new debt to ensure there is widespread community support for the projects to be funded. At the state level a 2/3 supermajority vote of the Legislature will help guarantee the same kind of broad support for similar state efforts.
We support pay-as-you-go budgets as the best method for funding state programs. However, if borrowing is occasionally necessary to meet critical needs, we want to ensure the support for that borrowing extends beyond the short term political objectives of any one party and meets the needs of a broad spectrum of Iowans. A 2/3 supermajority vote helps accomplish that goal.
Sunset Authorization of Every State Program
During these difficult economic times, every Iowa family has been forced to gather around their kitchen table and examine every aspect of their personal spending. They ask difficult questions and set new spending priorities to ensure their essential needs are met. Unfortunately, this same discussion rarely occurs within state government.
We propose a systematic process wherein EVERY program funded by state government will be sunset (de-authorized) by a date certain unless the Governor and Legislature reauthorize that program. This will force a thorough top-to-bottom review of every existing program funded by state government to determine whether the program is effectively and efficiently meeting the needs for which it was created, or if the need even continues to exist.
Those programs that are no longer relevant or functioning at a high level will be eliminated, reorganized, or the resources diverted to other priorities--just the way Iowa families eliminate spending that no longer meets their personal needs.
Incremental budgeting practices have led to a bloated and expensive state government that is both unsustainable and a drain on Iowa taxpayers. We will streamline state spending and state programs in a way that protects taxpayers from excessive state spending and ensures better delivery of state services to those in need.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
A History of Fiscal Mismanagement
Words …………….
… a deepening national recession dealt Iowa a serious financial blow that Culver said has left him with no choice but to make "significant cuts in government spending."
“Budget plan dismays some”
- Jennifer Jacobs and Jason Clayworth Des Moines Register 1/29/09
The new revenue estimates mean the cuts must go deeper. "This is the worst I've ever seen. This is the worst in my 27 years in the Legislature," Senate Majority Leader Michael Gronstal, D-Council Bluffs, said Friday during taping of Iowa Public Television's "Iowa Press."
“More cuts in state jobs, services seen”
- Jason Clayworth Des Moines Register 3/21/09
"If you look at how deep this recession was," Culver said, "I'm encouraged to see some of the trends showing improvement."
“Culver's advisers guardedly upbeat about economic turnaround”
- Jennifer Jacobs Des Moines Register 8/11/09
"In spite of the economic challenges brought on by the world-wide recession, and a projected shortfall for the fiscal year 2011 budget ….” Culver said in a statement.
“Culver dips $45 million from emergency reserves to balance budget”
- Jason Clayworth Des Moines Register 9/26/09
And Their Actions Led to ????????
Iowa legislators, intensely worried early this year about a looming recession and the economic toll of natural disasters, ended the 2009 session by approving the largest budget in the state's history - $6.3 billion.
“Federal stimulus plugs holes, but problems loom for future”
- Jason Clayworth Des Moines Register 4/27/09
That caps off a five-year spending uptick that, in total, increased by 25 percent from $5.02 billion in 2006.
“Federal stimulus plugs holes, but problems loom for future”
- Jason Clayworth Des Moines Register 4/27/09
The state's revenue would have to grow by almost 10 percent in the 2011 fiscal year for the state to avoid future gaps, the Legislative Services Agency estimated about a month ago.
“Federal stimulus plugs holes, but problems loom for future”
- Jason Clayworth Des Moines Register 4/27/09
That means the upcoming budget will be almost $6.3 billion, the largest in the state's history, according to the Legislative Services Agency.
“News Analysis: Session recaps often stretch facts”
- Jason Clayworth Des Moines Register 5/10/09
Iowa families cannot afford Governor Culver and Legislative Democrats Record of Fiscal Mismanagement!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Lights. Camera. Action - but not too much action.
Dozens of film advocates and Iowans are now worried that a law change passed by Iowa Democrats capping the tax credits in the closing days of the 2009 session will effectively kill the tax breaks and this new Iowa industry.
Iowa Democrats are proud of their achievements and twittering away

All the movie magic in the world can't cover this one up. Democrats are, yet again, trying to have it both ways. They need the economic dollars to balance out their flawed budget but don't want to give too many breaks/incentives. This is one tale that won't end well as Iowa's Hollywood dreams are quickly fading to black.
Click here to watch a video on an awesome opportunity Iowa has with the film industry, but thanks to the Democrats' tax caps, this could be the last pirate ship that sets sail here.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Wasteful Spending to Find Wasteful Spending
Republicans have been making cost-saving, budget-cutting suggestions to the Democrats for months, but it's fallen on deaf ears. The House Republicans even established a web site gathering ideas from Iowans on how to cut costs. Those suggestions were free. Free is good.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Debt and Jobs
This money will be put towards the state's I-JOBS projects aimed at putting Iowans to work, but today, some people are questioning if that program will really help the state. One economist went so far as suggesting a better economic stimuls would be to lower taxes for businesses. We really like that idea and have some more like it but Democrats don't seem to want to listen. Guess they're enjoying spending your tax dollars and incurring debt too much to think about anything else.
There is still no clear answer as to how many jobs will be created from the I-JOBS program and whether those jobs will be quality jobs or temporary, minimum wage jobs. We're just hoping that those pesky pot holes will get filled before the snow falls.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Guest Column by Senator Randy Feenstra
The Democrats eliminated major tax deductions and exemptions for Iowa flood and tornado victims in the 2009 legislative session. They also did away with the teachers tax deduction, college tuition assistance tax deduction, and the business depreciation tax deduction. These deductions put over $56 million back into the State General Fund.
The elimination of these deductions were never communicated to Iowa citizens or their accountants. The Democrats eliminated these deductions that have been available for years. The Democrats made the tax increases retroactive to the 2008 tax filings that were due April 15th. Iowans had no idea this tax increase was going to occur when they filed their 2008 return. Now the Department of Revenue has thousands of wrong tax returns and they are demanding payback for this tax money.
Since this tax hike was done under a cloak of secrecy due to political posturing under the claim of “we never raised taxes,” the Democrats find themselves in quandary.
To fix the problem, all Iowans who took these deductions must file an amended tax return or, hope they’re not audited which could result in a 5% tax penalty plus interest. The Iowa Department of Revenue has up to three years to identify these deduction errors and interest accrues until the money is paid. This becomes an expensive violation for something taxpayers did in good faith.
After Iowa taxpayers caught this political scheme, Governor Culver stated on Wednesday July 8th, that he would look at “any and all options” to address this snafu. The Vice Chair of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, Sen. Matt McCoy, noted the issue got knotted up with other tax proposals and stalled during the 2009 session.
Lets be crystal clear, this was done with no regard to Iowa taxpayers. I spoke on the floor of the Senate three times demanding that these deductions be passed for the flood victims, teachers, and businesses. I offered amendments to make sure these deductions were restored but got voted down by the Democrats. Every Democrat Senator knew the ramifications of not communicating this tax increase but they decided to play the political game of “We don’t think Iowa citizens are smart enough to catch this tax increase.”
It’s very disappointing when the Democrats call for government transparency but do things that contradict this very thought. Frankly, it seams the Democrats no longer care about Iowans; rather, for them it’s about winning elections at all costs. This is truly a failure in good government.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Having it Both Ways
During the legislative session, Democrats had ample opportunity to couple the codes but they chose not to. Now, as the governor is publicly ramping up his re-election campaign, he wants to backtrack, safe face and not punish these flood victims. Too little too late if you ask us. With a $160 million revenue shortfall in the Iowa budget, Democrats need the taxes. We don't see this problem going away anytime soon.
Here's the TV story explaining the problem.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
When is a pay freeze not a pay freeze?
Only in state government can a freeze on salaries mean a 4.5% increase in pay. In February, of this year, the Governor agreed to give a $120 million pay increase to state employees. But wait, the headlines were screaming that a pay freeze was going into effect for the upcoming fiscal year.
While private employers and employees in Iowa are struggling to keep their doors open the Governor and legislative Democrats continue to spend and spend and spend.
Following the announcement the Governor’s team and his big labor buddies were crowing that this was a contract both sides could be proud of. It was also stated that this new contract reflected the current economic realities facing the nation. Well that $120 million dollar pay increase would go a long way to solving the nearly $1 billion budget gap the Governor and legislative Democrats have created by their reckless spending.
Well it turns out that in state government a freeze means a pay increase.
(The dirty details are below)
Union or Classification - Pay Increase
AFSCME - Central and Community Based Corrections (CBCs) - $39,789,422
Iowa United Professionals (IUP) - Social Services and Science - $8,877,590
State Police Officer's Council (SPOC) - $2,702,246
Judicial Public, Professional, and Maintenance Employees (PPME) - $229,660
Judicial AFSCME - $1,811,551
Judicial Exempt - $2,402,719
Non-Contract - $13,820,381
Board of Regents - $51,167,428
Total = $120,800,997
Friday, June 12, 2009
Here is the rest of the story
Over the past three years the Governor and his legislative allies have spent and spent and spent without any thoughts on what tomorrow was going to bring. Well tomorrow has come and there was no plan in place to deal with the problems that the state is now facing. In fact the nonpartisan Legislative Services Agency, the bean counters for the legislature, has estimated that Iowa is facing nearly a $1 billion deficit for next year.
Is this being accountable to the taxpayer or budgeting responsibly?

If you look at the last time Republicans were in control of the budget spending was held below the rate of inflation. Over the past three years spending has ballooned out of control and well past the rate of inflation. If the Democrats would have maintained spending levels at typical historical levels there would be no talk of a budget crisis.
Spending at the rate of inflation; now that would have been responsible budgeting.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Contradictions Galore
This is from the Lt. Gov's challenge web site
The Lieutenant Governors' Challenge is a 12-week reward based program. Participants may choose to work toward heart health through fitness choices, health choices, or both.
Great, we should all try to live healthy lives and if you set out on a public challenge like this, you should stick to it, not help Iowans deviate from their wellness plan by promoting unhealthy sweets. We all love a good cookie, but is this event really appropriate for the promotion of health and well-being? We say, NO.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
A Clear Message Sent
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Flexing the Line-Item Veto Muscle
There is a spending problem in this state and the Governor and his Democratic allies need a lesson in frugality as the taxpayer cannot afford more of the same old tired political games. Reform is needed and Republicans are ready and willing to lead that charge for the taxpayer to help protect their money from those that want to spend it on pork barrel projects and over $120 million in salary increases for state employees. Lets hope that someday common sense will win out.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Spend it While You Got it
Auditor Vaudt gave a good example: for every $1.00 brought into Iowa, the state spent $1.14. Doesn't seem like a lot, but boy does it add up. The bonding numbers are worse. For every $1.00 borrowed, Iowa will end up spending $2.18 to pay it back. How is this fiscal responsibility?
Here's the clincher - if spending would have been kept in line with inflation, Iowa would have had a 2% surplus this year! People need to speak up. Iowans will unfortunately feel the ramifications of this in their higher taxes and raised fees next year.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Swine Flu
Iowa Secretary of Agriculture, Bill Northey, released this statement: “Iowa pork, and all pork for that matter, is safe and China and the other countries that are banning pork imports are not acting based on science. It is unfortunate that these unjustified actions are being felt most dramatically by the farmers who raise pork. The industry has already been facing very difficult economics for the last several months, and this just adds to the difficulties experienced by Iowa’s pork producers.”
Why are we not hearing more state officials speak out on this? This has a huge affect on Iowa's economy and we can't do enough to correct misconceptions about the virus and Iowa pork.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The Fall of the Gavel
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Down Time
Earlier this week Democrats passed a bill appropriating money to 13 state agencies. Amendments were tacked onto the bill that gave the OK for the state to purchase brand new vehicles – even though perfectly good newer vehicles are sitting, gathering dust in parking lots. These new vehicles will have all sorts of upgrades thanks to this amendment. Some of those upgrades include leather seats, satellite radio, GPS, running boards, truck toppers and new floor mats. Pretty nice considering the state is so cash strapped lately. It’s nice to see that tax dollars are being put to good use.............
On a positive note, the new Adam Walsh bill just passed in the Senate tonight. The bill is tougher than the old sex offender law and provides for a 2000 plus foot rule. This was a truly bipartisan bill that will help protect Iowa children. The bill is now on to the House.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Long Haul Part 2
Democrats don't seem to care as they have dug their heels into the ground and closed the lines of communication. Today Democrats in the House and Senate admitted that they are not communicating with the Governor on the most important issue in Iowa - the budget. Until that happens, everyone else is left wondering why egos can't be put in check to get to work. Pouting like high schoolers is sooooo last year..........
Monday, April 20, 2009
In it for the Long Haul
Click here for more details.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
A Summary of This Week
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Business of the People
Iowans for Tax Relief once again rallied the troops today and had supporters of federal deductibility show up at the Capitol. No movement on the issue on the Senate side today so we're wondering if it will even be brought up. It doesn't look like the votes are there to pass it.
A bill that did pass today grants tax credits for movie stars and movie makers who make films or TV shows in Iowa. It's a great economic incentive to bring that type of business to the state, but not long ago, the Senate failed to pass tax credits for teachers who buy classroom supplies for their students. Something about that doesn't seem quite right.
The Senate also voted on a Governor appointed nominee (Sharon Elderkin) to the Iowa Environmental Protection Commission. The nominee didn't get enough votes to pass. Just so you know, the nominee is a registered Republican. Republicans voted against her due to her lack of knowledge on important commission matters. This is a truly important commission in the state and not being able to understand things like particulate matter and how run-off occurs is a deal breaker.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Let the Countdown Begin
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Spend Now, Pay Later
The first bill that passed yesterday allows the University of Iowa to bond for $100 million in an effort to rebuild art museum facilities that were damaged by last summer’s floods. The debt incurred for this bonding plan would more than double at a total of $216.9 million over it’s lifespan, ending in 2040.
Democrats also voted against an amendment that would lessen the tax burden many Iowans face by allowing coupling to be an option in filing state taxes. Iowa tax code is updated yearly based upon the federal tax code. Allowing Iowans to couple their taxes lessens their tax burden.
These out of control spending practices will burden our children and grandchildren and creates a ripple effect of problems for our future.
Most recently, news on the federal deductibility issue is that Democrats have come together to work out a new plan, but don’t be fooled by the spin on this issue. Eliminating federal deductibility is still a tax on a tax for most Iowans. We're expecting debate on the issue next week.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Nothing is Ever Dead at the Capitol
It is not to late call your State Rep and State Senator Let them know what you think about the issue.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Release on Marriage Amendment From Today
People of Iowa on Marriage Amendment
Sen. McKinley: “We have had the Legislature and the governor decide in favor of traditional marriage and we have now had seven judges in black robes decide the opposite way and I believe the final arbiters of this important decision should be the people of Iowa”
DES MOINES, IA – Senate Republican Leader Paul McKinley (R-Chariton) today formally asked Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal (D-Council Bluffs) on the floor of the Iowa Senate why he is obstructing a vote of the people of Iowa on an amendment to the Iowa Constitution that would define marriage as between one man and one woman.
When Iowa’s Defense of Marriage Act overwhelmingly passed the Iowa Senate in 1998, Senator Gronstal voted in support of traditional marriage. Today, he is the only person in the Iowa Senate standing in the way of allowing three million people a chance to have their vote.
“We have had the Legislature and the governor decide in favor of traditional marriage and we have now had seven judges in black robes come down in another way and I believe the final arbiters of this important issue should be the people of Iowa,” said McKinley. “Iowa is a sovereign state and I will accept the will of the people but we will not know the will of the people until a vote of the people is taken and it is wrong for Sen. Gronstal to obstruct that vote.”
McKinley said he believes that if Senate Majority Leader Gronstal were to allow a vote in the Iowa Senate, there would be 26 votes to pass it and therefore start the process of amending Iowa’s Constitution.
You may contact Senator Gronstal at or by phone at 515-281-4610.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Recent Events
Here is Senate Republican Leader Paul McKinley's statement regarding the Iowa Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage:
“The decision made by the Iowa Supreme Court today to allow gay marriage in Iowa is disappointing on many levels. I believe marriage should only be between one man and one woman and I am confident the majority of Iowans want traditional marriage to be legally recognized in this state. Though the court has made their decision, I believe every Iowan should have a voice on this matter and that is why the Iowa Legislature should immediately act to pass a Constitutional Amendment that protects traditional marriage, keeps it as a sacred bond only between one man and one woman and gives every Iowan a chance to have their say through a vote of the people.”
On another note.............
Here is Senator Randy Feenstra (Hull) expressing his disgust over the coupling bill and the Senate's spending practices:
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Taxpayers Kicked Out of Capitol
But c'mon, House Democrats can't handle a little applause from an animated crowd? I'm sure they hear much worse at their political forums - at least that's what we guess from the pile of bad bills they bring up over there. Last night's public hearing wasn't legislative procedure. It was public and open - there's no specific decorum for that so the fact that everyone was unnecessarily kicked out of the House Gallery really stings. I'm sure taxpayers will get their revenge on election day.
Here's what Senator David Johnson had to say about it this morning:
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Crowd Takes Over Capitol
Eliminating Federal Deductibility Rolling Through Capitol
Don't forget: PUBLIC HEARING: Tonight
The Iowa House is holding a public hearing on the bill to repeal federal deductibility in Iowa.
Who, when and where: Anyone wanting to speak out against eliminating federal deductibility meet at 6:30pm at the State Capitol cafeteria. The public hearing on federal deductibility will be from 7:30pm-9:30pm in the House.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Get Back to the Real Issues
We can already tell you that the state budget will not be seen for at least a few more days. Democrats have posted their number but there is still too much to iron out.
Raising taxes will take center stage tomorrow as the House holds public hearings at 7:30 p.m. on federal deductibility and it's possible elimination. The bill is starting in the House. If nothing else sticks with you today remember this: elemination of federal deductibility results in a tax on a tax.
Hopefully there will be a great turnout and strong opposition to the issue will send a clear message to the House.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Taxing a Tax
If you don't have kids or own a house, you're really screwed. Some Iowans use federal deductibility to lessen their tax burden and Iowa is one of a few states that still does that.
The Democrats are going to say that this is a revenue neutral thing to do, but what happens next year when they don't have the federal stimulus money to plug the gaping deficit hole and they need to up the ante and increase the tax burden even more? We're just sayin' - it's a pretty real possibility.
After the Democrats pass their “tax cut” - which really totals about 17 cents - Iowa families could purchase a gallon of milk and loaf of bread after only 28 days of saving.
$3.31 for a gallon of milk
$1.40 for a loaf of bread
$.17 per day tax cut by the Democrats……..priceless
* U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Say Goodbye to Federal Deductibility
Iowa is one of a handful of states that allows a 100% deduction for federal income tax payments on the state individual tax return. It protects Iowans from paying a state income tax on money used to pay their federal income tax. It is the largest way some Iowans may lessen their tax burden.
Democrats have tried to disguise the potential change by claiming it is tax simplification and it makes the system fairer. It looks like the Democrats’ definition of simplification is different from the taxpayer’s definition since this elimination actually raises taxes.
Proponents of the elimination of federal deductibility claim the deduction allows “wealthy” Iowans to avoid paying their “fair share” of Iowa personal income taxes. This data shows that the top income earners in the state are already paying a significant share of the total Iowa personal income tax burden. In fact, the top 10% of Iowa taxpayers pay about 40% of all Iowa personal income taxes. The next 20% pay about 30% of the burden, the next 20% pay less than 20%, and the bottom 50% of all Iowa income taxpayers pay less than 10% of the total Iowa personal income taxes.
Proponents have also argued that if Democrats eliminated federal deductibility and then lowered the tax rates it would make the state more attractive to persons looking to relocate themselves and along with their business in Iowa. This argument is a bit of a stretch. It’s hard to believe that an someone looking to relocate is only going to base their decision on the tax rates on their tax return. There are so many other factors that influence business including effective tax rates, business environment, accessibility to transportation, and quality of life - to name a few.
We’re still waiting for legislation to be introduced. And with Democrats looking for a way to pay for more of their state spending, the elimination of federal deductibility could be their ticket to get back in the black. When talk turns to eliminating federal deductibility and promises to reduce tax rates, Iowans should understand it is simply a shell game and they should get ready to pay more.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Guest Column by Senate Republican Whip Steve Kettering (Lake View)
The lights dim, the curtains part. The Governor rushes on stage. The set is the Capitol rotunda. The Governor is dressed in Sunday’s best. The temperature is warm. He is sweating as he excitedly runs across stage, his right hand held high above his head, a credit card in hand. “I’ve got a higher limit, we can spend more he says to those assembled. We don’t have to accept that Senate baby bond bill of only $175 million. It is not enough. We can do more. The state’s credit rating is triple A. We can borrow $750 million. It won’t affect our credit rating. Other states have borrowed far more. We can spend it now. Gaming taxes will pay for this for 20 years to come. You see how easy it is? It is the gamblers who will pay,” he says. The Governor’s stay on stage is brief. There is more shopping to do. The credit card has not been maxed out. The Governor’s exiting line: “Today is the time to spend.” With that he moves off stage.
The reviews were not pleasant. The critics not kind. The obvious – this bonding play is not destined for Broadway. It may be rescripted. Total scenes may be removed. Legislative democrats immediately rejected borrowing for transportation infrastructure, and rolled out their own $700 million borrowing plan. Iowans will see many versions of spending plans before adjournment. What is disappointingly missing is any attempt to prioritize spending within revenues received. It is apparent this administration is determined to live far beyond it’s means.
As I write this, the Senate is concluding debate on Senate File 389. This bill removes individual responsibility and replaces it with government run health care. The private insurance companies of this state will be required to subsidize a state bureaucratic corporation. It will require private citizens to disclose on income tax returns the status of their children’s health coverage. The bill mandates the Department of Revenue and Department of Human Services to create penalties for parents who do not sign their children up for government issued health insurance. This bill passed the Senate 30 – 18 with bipartisan opposition and will now go to the House.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sitting Idly By....
We caught rows of idle state vehicles in a parking ramp with layers of dust on them. It's obvious they haven't been driven in quite a while.
So while the Democrats complain and complain that it is the national economy they ignore what they can do to take care of the budget mess they created. Republicans offered an amendment that would have suspended the purchasing of new vehicles for the remainder of FY 09 and all of FY 10. Instead of accepting this common sense amendment that would have saved over $10 million they rejected it. Instead of using the vehicle in this photo and many more just like it the Democrats would rather use your tax dollars to prop up Ford and General Motors.
Finally, we'll say it again: Democrats don't have a deficit problem, they have a spending problem and this parking ramp is proof.
Friday, March 20, 2009
The Numbers are Out
Contrary to what you might be hearing - Iowa does not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. Added state programs, full time employees to go with those programs, money to repair historic pipe organs, and satellite radio in state vehicles adds up. Where will it stop?
Hello! What have we been saying the last two years? Spending at an unsustainable level has put Iowa in the red. Be prepared, my friends, bad things are on the horizon.
Here is a great suggestion for the spending practices going on in the state:
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Healthcare Dictatorship
The bill requires Iowans, whose income is at or below the 300% level of the Federal Poverty Level - or just over $60,000 - to enroll their children in a state-run health insurance plan. If Iowans do not enroll in a form of health insurance, residents will face penalties created by the Department of Human Services and Department of Revenue. We don't yet know what those penalties will be but it is likely to be monetary. So what the Democrats proposed is penalizing the poorest of our population? Many would say these people already have enough hardships without the insurance police coming after them.
The bill creates more bureaucracy by having an insurance board that is legally untouchable. They can make decisions on these insurance cases in this new program but appealing those decisions will be virtually impossible.
Anytime an uninsured child goes into a hospital for care, they are never turned away. Iowa has Hawk-I provided for kids for free or at a reduced rate. These programs have worked perfectly in the past. In fact, if you turn on your car radio on any given day, you'll hear a Hawk-I commercial. The state has been promoting the heck out of this program.
This bill is another step toward socialized medicine that will end up raising insurance rate with private insurers. All of Iowa will feel the pain of this bill.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Name That Bill!
1. Allowing union workers to live long and prosper without being burdened by management:
2. Finding the most favorable doctor to write you a note to get you out of PE class:
3. Ensuring no worker is left behind in the pay line:
4. Making sure Miss Daisy does not pollute the air and taxing you more:
5. Eventually turning over the entire road to people on banana seats and bells:
6. Making sure everyone and their dog is safe if it rains:
7. The only piece of Iowa legislation to be discussed on the Tonight Show:
8. Making sure Grandma never sends you more than $5 so your "big brother" can get more money:
9. Copy of the U.S. Constitution: $5. Slapping U.S. history in the face: Priceless. For everything else, there’s bonding.
1. Collective Bargaining
2. Dr. Shopping
3. Prevailing Wage
4. Monitoring Car Emissions
5. Bicyclists Bill of Rights
6. Flood Insurance
7. DOA or the name change of the Dept. of Elder Affairs
8. Granny Tax
9. Popular Vote
Monday, March 16, 2009
5000 Jobs? Really?
Today, Senator Jerry Behn of Boone gave his thoughts on the Senate floor about the claim that Democrats will get 5000 jobs out of their latest $175,000,000 bonding bill.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Governor Releases Details of Bonding Plan
“As our unemployment rate climbs in the state of Iowa, your ‘no’ vote tonight is a ‘no’ to 5,000 jobs in this state. I can’t believe Republicans are ‘no’ to jobs, ‘no’ to veterans and ‘no’ to being tough on crime. Unbelievable." - Sen. Michael Gronstal D-Council Bluffs.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Quote of the Day
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Retirees and Your Community
Yesterday this was our quote of the day and it is worth repeating: “If a community can attract a retired person, that is the equivalent of attracting three-and-a-half manufacturing jobs to that community.” Senator Daryl Beall, D-Fort Dodge. Since when do retired citizens equate to any manufacturing jobs? Retirees don’t work – that’s what retirement is!
The buzz lately has been creating an environment conducive to job creation in any Iowa community. Sounds great, everyone wants to work right about now and wants thriving businesses in their communities. With the Iowa House talking about debating Dr. Shopping, Prevailing Wage and repealing Right to Work, maybe we should focus on those bills and making sure they die since they’ll all squelch that job creation environment.
We’ve been hearing some strong opinions from our loyal cyber fans about this bill and how ridiculous it is. To be fair, the bill passed unanimously, but it is a Democrat-sponsored bill that, in the Democrat-controlled Iowa Senate, is viewed as economic development. This is a real stretch and nowhere in the bill does it say anything about getting people to work by creating an atmosphere that would encourage job growth. But hey, if your city hall needs another piece of paper to put on the wall they can get it.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Things Are Starting to Happen
Around the Capitol today:
Senator Johnson with UNI students during Research Day.
And quote of the day: “If a community can attract a retired person, that is the equivalent of attracting three-and-a-half manufacturing jobs to that community.” Senator Daryl Beall, D-Fort Dodge, after a Senate bill passed unanimously to make communities "certified retirement communities" if they apply for that designation.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Guest Column by Senate Republican Whip Steve Kettering (Lake View)
Our story begins there. You may recall that the 2008 Legislative Session ended with spending up nearly one billion dollars over a two year period. While the shopping was nearly complete, some items remained. The problem was lack of cash for the budget, so a tobacco bond was proposed. The state could simply borrow the money; spend now and pay later. But, no bond buyers showed up with cash for the state in exchange for those tobacco bonds.
Now a budget crisis looms. The state has more shopping to do, but where to find the money? Swinging on stage from high above stage left is the State Treasurer recommending an annual appropriation bond instead of a tobacco revenue bond. “You don’t even have to have a source of repayment,” he shouts. Spend now and future legislatures can simply appropriate every year for 20 years - enough to pay back what is spent this year. It is a simple and easy procedure. Pain free! Not to worry, the anticipated bond rating should be no more than one notch below the usual usurer rating. There may not even be a debt service reserve fund required. Spend away. This appropriation bond can be paid from any future source of revenue. Just let the next 20 legislatures worry about the repayment. A great idea. For 2009 we can cruise easy and trouble free; with that the Treasurer exits – stage left.
This annual appropriation bond moved out of the Senate Appropriations Committee this week. It will be debated on the floor in the near future. On the floor this week was also the 2009 appropriation adjustment bill. This formally deals with the changes the Governor has articulated in the past several months. Thus ends Act I.
An important budget date in the near future is March 20th. That is the scheduled date of the next Revenue Estimating Committee meeting. The projections announced at the conclusion of that meeting will have far reaching implications. They could render the Governor’s budget proposal and the recently announced Democrat targets meaningless.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Power Plant Goes Down Before it's Even Built
Iowa currently receives 76% of it’s power from coal plants and because of that, rates in the state are some of the lowest in the nation. Those in support of the Marshalltown power plant have argued that another coal-fired plant is needed in order to bring more accessible power to the state. A larger power base will be more attractive to businesses as they explore moving to Iowa. And at a time when everyone seems to be talking about bringing jobs to the state, the IUB and with no help from the Governor, this plant plan has died.
We all know that Microsoft has put their plans on coming to Iowa on hold. Businesses like Microsoft really need lots of power to run. What's next? This is a huge blow to the state. And for everyone who is concerned about greenhouse gas emissions, look up the facts about coal. It is cleaner than ever. Emissions would be at a minimum.
It's really too bad that Iowa won't see the 1000 jobs that go with that plant and hopefully rates won't go up for customers.
You can read more details here:
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
SRC Unveils Job Creation Initiative
The Grow Iowa Not Government plan wouldn't cost a thing, wouldn't create more beauracracy and at the least would create jobs and get people talking about enhancing the state. It's a no-nonsense plan. Here are the details:
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Still Waiting
We still don’t have the entire picture and most likely won’t for a while. The Revenue Estimating Conference meets on March 20 so target numbers will have to be re-estimated based on what comes out of that meeting.
For now, let’s attempt to break down the info that we do have and that is: over the last two years the Democrats have grown the General Fund by nearly $1 billion. That money has gone to programs and to fund things like the restoration of a pipe organ in Clermont. Growing government breeds dependency so in lean years funding these programs becomes pretty tough. When across-the-board cuts are made it doesn’t really look so deep – but the propped-up programs need to follow through on their promised dollars. (Say hello to higher taxes, Iowa, and good bye to Federal Deductibility) Just think where the state would be if spending had never been raised. We probably wouldn’t even need cuts.
Where’s the fiscal leadership? Waiting……..Waiting………..Waiting…………………
Monday, March 2, 2009
Bills Debated Today
SF 237
SF 207
SF 203
SF 199
SF 176
They all passed.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Bicyclists in Rearview Mirror May be Going Faster Than They Appear
Senate Republicans offered nine amendments to truly improve the bills but all failed. Among the amendments:
-Requiring cyclists to attach flags to their bikes so drivers and farm machinery operators can see them.
-Exempting municipalities from being held liable from cycling accidents. (anyone remember what happened with RAGBRAI and Crawford County?)
-Changing the cycling hand signals so they are easier to decipher.
The overall bill gives cyclists five feet surrounding them at all times (even if they ride three wide) so passing them on county roads might become pretty trecherous. And watch out if you're driving farm equipment and meet one coming over a hill. Motorists must now sound their horn if they think a bike is near and they want to turn a corner. Drivers must also not open their car doors into oncoming traffic if they think cyclists are near "unless it is reasonably safe."
This bill just happened to deter everyone today as the Democrats finally released their budget numbers for the year. This distraction won't last long as those budget numbers will be seen for what they really are: a fiscal fiasco that could have been avoided over the last two years.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Allowable Growth Passes in Senate at 2%
During a budget year when all areas of government are being asked to cut spending, this bill will essentially allow Iowa’s K-12 public school districts to increase their budgets by 2 percent for fiscal year 2011. Under 2 percent “allowable growth,” per-pupil funding will increase by $115 to $5883.
School funding is based on a combination of state aid and property taxes. Two percent allowable growth will provide almost $3.7 billion in total funding for schools. Of that amount, roughly $2.4 billion will come from the state, and $1.3 billion will come from local property taxes. As families are being forced to re-examine their personal budgets and tighten their belts, this bill will increase property taxes by nearly $60 million compared to the amount established for the 2010-2011 school year. While there is never a good time to increase taxes, it is abundantly clear that now is an especially bad time.
Additionally, it is still unclear how the state will pay for a 4 percent increase in funding for schools next year, let alone another increase two years from now. The Governor has even recommended that funding be cut from next year’s K-12 budget, thereby placing the burden of his party’s excessive spending habits on local school districts and taxpayers to fill the inevitable gap. It is irresponsible to allocate additional dollars for fiscal year 2011 when we have not yet fixed the current fiscal year nor begun serious work on next year’s budget shortfall.
It was excessive spending on the part of the majority party that got our state into this financial crisis in the first place. Rather than possibly forcing schools to decide between making deep cuts to their budgets or raising taxes, the responsible approach would be to require schools to maintain a status quo budget for now, as it is always easier to appropriate additional dollars in the future if it is economically viable to do so.
Had the governor and legislative Democrats not spent nearly a billion dollars during the last two years and driven up hundreds of millions of dollars in self-inflicted deficits, it would be more feasible to permit additional allowable growth. Had the governor and legislative Democrats done a better job controlling spending and keeping government within its means, there would be more money available for top priorities like education.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Bill Disenfranchises Iowa Voters
The fact that this idea is even being entertained is ridiculous. Iowa has worked hard to be the first in the nation caucuses and retain our independent voting spirit. This bill would throw it all out the window. Candidates would spend less time, money and effort on Iowa making the Iowa Caucuses irrelevant. Why would Iowans even care if the candidates don't stop here?
This is being billed as an effort to save states money and energy in polling and advertising, but this bill will make millions of Iowa votes null and void. It silences millions of Iowa voices and it is amazing that Democrats think this bill gives Iowa a bigger voice.
Iowa has 7 Electoral College votes and has had the first in the nation caucuses since 1972.
Let your voice be heard. Every vote counts. Contact your senator at 515-281-3371 or via e-mail: Sign the petition against this bill at