Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Business of the People

Iowans for Tax Relief once again rallied the troops today and had supporters of federal deductibility show up at the Capitol. No movement on the issue on the Senate side today so we're wondering if it will even be brought up. It doesn't look like the votes are there to pass it.

A bill that did pass today grants tax credits for movie stars and movie makers who make films or TV shows in Iowa. It's a great economic incentive to bring that type of business to the state, but not long ago, the Senate failed to pass tax credits for teachers who buy classroom supplies for their students. Something about that doesn't seem quite right.

The Senate also voted on a Governor appointed nominee (Sharon Elderkin) to the Iowa Environmental Protection Commission. The nominee didn't get enough votes to pass. Just so you know, the nominee is a registered Republican. Republicans voted against her due to her lack of knowledge on important commission matters. This is a truly important commission in the state and not being able to understand things like particulate matter and how run-off occurs is a deal breaker.

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